Story & Creative Development
What makes a compelling story?
Some say it’s all about the hero’s journey. However, we believe in perception change derived from empathizing with cultural tension.
Our creative development team – alongside our directors, producers & editors – pride themselves on finding, amplifying, and resolving the tension in every story. We develop a story arc with a combination of character narratives, brand purpose, and product innovation. Ultimately we see our work as brand building, community building, and team building.
WO has built relationships with a diverse, multi-faceted roster of directors. All are perception changers but each has a unique style.
From comedic delivery to building hype with live-action power plays or drawing out the emotional hook in real-life stories. We pride ourselves on pairing every story with a director that harbors a deep sensitivity to the subject.
It’s an investment in the subject matter, and that matters.
Vision multiplied by budget and time is the equation at the root of our work. Our producers put story first and operate with an agile mindset.
Pre-production is where the magic happens. Getting everything right before the camera rolls allows us to breathe and adjust when we’re on set.
We live by the motto, “If Content is King then Process is the Queen Bee”.
Jumpcut, J-Cut, smash cut, match cut – play it from the top.
The lingo of an editor. Hunkering down in a dark room, this is where we bend time.
WO has a healthy mix of hype and hypersensitive editors who obsess over the alchemy of imagery, tension pacing, music composition, and sound design to build engaging stories that keep you watching long after the hook.